Be You

Image by Kanenori from Pixabay

Take little steps to become who you truly are…

10代の頃から人の目を気にして思い悩む性格で、今思えば最近耳にする HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)、「繊細さん」と呼ばれている性格だからなのかと実感。物心ついた頃からアメリカへ移住することを思い立ち、仕事をしながら語学力を磨き、10年越しで渡米を実現。アメリカ在住20年。今は長い間おざなりになっていたもう一つの夢、脚本家になることを目指し、少しずつ自作の詩やブログを掲載し、また感銘を受けた名言をテーマごとに取捨選択した名言集などを発信しています。

Born and raised in Japan, I was a girl who had deep thoughts since my teenage years. Hindsight 20-20, I was an HSP. Sooner or later, I decided to move to the United State to seek for freedom. After 10 long years, my dream came true. I’ve been living here in the U.S. for 20 years. Now I’m facing squarely to another dream to become a writer, which has been set aside for a long, long time. My ultimate goal is to write a movie script; Currently I’ve been writing poems, blogs, and creating quote collections here on Be You.


I am an INFP type based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which is consisting only 4% and mostly considered Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). This website is built to encourage those who have hardship due to such high-sensitivity, or those who put effort to make their dreams come true. As if I send a cheer card to myself back in those teenage days…


INFPs are known for their creativity and imagination and found among famous authors such as William Shakespeare, Franz Kafka, Edgar Allan Poe, and George Orwell. Now, I’ve come up with an idea; I will “write” a poem or a short story based on an idea or a theme that you send to me. Just shoot me a comment on your feelings of joy, sallow, resentment, or worries from the form below and I’ll return my writing. (I won’t post the writing piece without your permission.)



“I’m a highly sensitive INFP writer, who started this website to share how I grow and walk the path to become a full-fledged screenwriter.”

An INFP writer who is highly sensitive, introverted, intuitive empath. Deeply inspired and empowered by Lauren Sapala, an INFJ author/writing coach, this site was born – for me to start writing, share what I write, and connect with other HSP/INFPs in the world, while healing wounded hearts, broken souls and spiritless minds of yours.

Source of Encouragement, Lauren Sapala‘s books:
The INFJ Writer
The INFJ Revolution
Firefly Magic

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Introverted Intuitive Feelers (INF in MBTI) – Someone who has the ability to observe patterns in their environment to understand how things are connected, and predict what to come in the future, like psychics do. Being very empathetic in nature, they are great mentors, keen at reading between lines and sensing thoughts/feelings of others and give back valuable insight.

Empath – Someone who has the ability to sense and feel others’ experiences and feelings as if they are part of their own. They take in surrounding emotions and energies, regardless of positive or negative, since they do not have the filters to protect themselves that most of others do. They feel things very deeply, offering a big, caring heart to the world.

HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) – Someone who is more sensitive to stimuli such as lights, sounds and emotions of those around them. Comparing to others, their brain processes stimuli/information differently, on a much deeper level. They easily feel anxious, emotional, overwhelmed or exhausted, and need to withdraw themselves to be alone to recuperate.

