What is Poetry (Poem)

Photo by yigitdenizozdemir

What is poetry?
It’s like a photo album
Instantly taking us back to the memory
Of that day, that moment, that sensation
That I, or You
Once had, long, long time ago

What is poetry?
It’s like a kaleidoscope
Endlessly depicting human emotions
Cast from a myriad of angles
To Me, or to You
Beyond the expression of 1s and 0s

What is poetry?
It’s like a peep hole letting us see
Someone else’s one-of-a-kind world
Interwoven by rules and values
That I, or You
Have religiously built, day in, day out

What is poetry?
It’s like a gentle catalyst
Helping burn smoldering feelings
In a unique, unexpected way
That I, or You
Have hidden deep, deep down inside

What is poetry?
It’s like a preview
Of a movie, “Better Version of Me”
Featuring another dimensional self
That I, or You
Would never have imagined on our own

What is poetry?
It’s like an optic wire
Flashed from spirited words
Connecting Me, or You
With a hermit from the ancient times
Or a poet from half a world away

What is poetry?
It’s like a love letter dedicated for “life”
That I, or You
Here, now, in this body
Pause for a moment, scribble down
For fellow members of the Human Race

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