Photo by Anni Roenkae from Pexels
What makes a great artist?
Talent, passion, refinement, perseverance, or luck
All of these elements are required? Or some of them?
Yet, the most important thing is “authenticity”
Artists must express themselves with their inherent, unique energy
Without being afraid of any consequences
The form of art can be anything from painting, writing, acting, singing to playing music
Yet, all the artwork must deliver spirit: the artist’s soul
Art exists to share the truth, the truth that you found
When you communicate with someone through your art
By shouting out the beautiful, powerful, fearful, or dreadful truth you found
You are one of the greatest artists on earth
“Artists must express themselves with their inherent, unique energy
Without being afraid of any consequences”
How very, very true, Ko. For there are always consequences when an artist expresses herself — always the possibility of criticism or reprimand — which the artist must learn to absorb for what it’s worth and to rise to the skies above.
“By shouting out the beautiful, powerful, fearful, or dreadful truth you found
You are one of the greatest artists on earth.”