Great Artist (Poem)

What makes a great artist?
Talent, passion, refinement, perseverance, or luck
All of these elements are required? Or some of them?
Yet, the most important thing is “authenticity”

Artists must express themselves with their inherent, unique energy
Without being afraid of any consequences
The form of art can be anything from painting, writing, acting, singing to playing music
Yet, all the artwork must deliver spirit: the artist’s soul

Be You III (Poem)

Ascension – Gedatsu – Egolessness

“There’s no suffering?” you ask.
“I see people suffering everywhere.”
“Are they really suffering?” I respond,
“Or that’s what you think.”

One can only control their own mind, how to perceive things in their life.
One can only learn what the joy is by going through sadness and hardship.

Be You II (Poem)

Ascension – Gedatsu – Egolessness

State of being, free from suffering.
Once you attain such a state, then what?
Just blissful death is waiting in the end?
Or, living like a hermit hiding from others and society altogether?

When you are in the state of Gedatsu,
You are free from egoistic bonding to earth.

mandala, geometric, pattern

Be You (Poem)

Ascension – Gedatsu – Egolessness

What is ego?
Earthly desires embedded in every individual’s mind.

What are earthly desires?
Thoughts that suffer people’s mind, causing agony and despair.

What is Gedatsu?
The state of being free from earthly desires, or the state of nothingness, or enlightenment.

Return to Love (Poem)

We are all here, on this planet, to exercise love
No one denies it, no one doubts it
Yet, knowing is different from acting out
Besides, first you must learn what it is, by being exposed to it

We are all here, on this planet, owing to our Mother’s love
Who exhibited enormous love for us to be here
