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Are you from a city or country-side?
Are you from a wealthy family or a poor family?
Are you from a largely connected family or a nuclear family?
Are you from a highly religious family or non-religious family?
Are you from an economically developed country or a developing country?
Are you from a patriarchal society or a society more liberal?
Are you from an island or a continent?
Are you from the east, the west, the north or the south?
If you like where you are from, you are blessed
Stay there, with people around you, be happy, live your life
If you hear a bell ringing inside, telling you something is missing
Go out to seek what is right for you
I was born in one of the most beautiful cities in the world
I chose, however, to leave there, pursuing freedom
To a country where one’s integrity and happiness are more respected
To a place where it allows you to live true to yourself
Cosmopolitan – One free from local or national ideas or attachment, citizen of the world
Even though you are a thousand miles away from home
You will always find people who you can resonate with
Like-minded people, welcoming you as who you truly are
Believing in a better world – IF you seek one
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