To Live (Quotes)

“I love my life. Truly. There’s no path set up for me to take. So I just live in the moment, one after another, giving 100% of myself.”
Taro Okamoto, Japanese Artist/Writer

“Don’t die with your music still inside you.”
Wayne Dyer, American Author

Why I’m Here (Blog)

Jakucho Setouchi, a woman who loved writing throughout her life, closed her 99-year-long book on November 9th. She was merely one of the celebrities that I would occasionally glance at on the media until she was brought up in a conversation with a friend last year when I mentioned my passion for writing. “I loved, I wrote, and I prayed,” is the phrase that Jakucho chose for her gravestone, which describes how she lived in brevity.

Be Luminous (Quotes)

“You may not be luminous, but you are a conductor of light.”

Arthur Conan Doyle, British Writer and Physician

“To find your Light, start with asking yourself why you are here.”

Ko Takamine, Japanese Poet/Writer

First Step (Quotes)

“Success is sometimes the outcome of a whole string of failures.”

Vincent van Gogh, Dutch post-impressionist painter 

“There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth.”

Friedrich Nietzsche, German Philosopher

Be You (Quotes)

“Prove yourself to yourself, not others.”

Buddha, Indian Religious Leader

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple Computers

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”

Lao Tzu, Ancient Chinese Philosopher
